Bathroom Tips

Dr. Lynn O’Connor in the News: Why is my Poop Green or Black?


As a colorectal surgeon, my patients often ask me about what they should be aware of when it comes to bowel movements. One question I'm often asked is, "Is it normal for my poop to be a different color?"  The truth is, poop can come in come in many different shapes and colors! It's not necessarily a bad thing for your stools to appear green or black. Your diet is a big factor that affects the color of your poop. Green foods like leafy greens, matcha, avocados and herbs can cause your poop to appear a green color. This is [...]

Dr. Lynn O’Connor in the News: Why is my Poop Green or Black?2020-07-24T15:04:26-04:00

Caring for a COVID-19 Patient


These are very scary and uncertain times. We have no idea of when the end of this is in sight. When will things get back to some semblance of normalcy? When will many of us get back to work? Will it be safe to even go back to work?  Will schools and day camps open back up? How will I feed and care for myself and my family? There are so many questions with little answers. It appears that we are in this for the long haul. Which means staying diligent in our effort to protect ourselves and our families, [...]

Caring for a COVID-19 Patient2020-07-24T15:08:58-04:00
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