Lifestyle Tips

Unlocking the Sweet Benefits of Dark Chocolate on Gut Health and the Microbiome


Unlocking the Sweet Benefits of Dark Chocolate on Gut Health and the Microbiome Dark chocolate has become more than just a guilty pleasure in recent years. With its rich flavor and potential health benefits, this delectable treat has captured the attention of health-conscious individuals seeking to indulge in something sweet while still nourishing their bodies. Beyond its antioxidant properties and mood-boosting effects, dark chocolate has been increasingly recognized for its positive impact on gut health and the microbiome. Understanding Gut Health and the Microbiome Before delving into the benefits of dark chocolate, it's essential to understand the significance of gut [...]

Unlocking the Sweet Benefits of Dark Chocolate on Gut Health and the Microbiome2024-03-28T20:45:52-04:00

The Surprising Colon Health Benefits of Dry January


The Surprising Colon Health Benefits of Dry January January, the month of new beginnings, brings with it an opportunity for a unique health reset known as Dry January. As a colorectal surgeon, I've witnessed firsthand the profound impact of lifestyle choices on colon health, and it's time we talk about how taking a break from alcohol can do wonders for your digestive system.   The Hidden Toll of Alcohol on Your Colon It's no secret that regular or excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful, but its specific effects on the colon are often overlooked. When you drink alcohol, it disrupts [...]

The Surprising Colon Health Benefits of Dry January2024-01-30T20:31:41-05:00

Dr. Lynn O’Connor in the News: Pre-Workout Supplements and Alcohol


“Alcohol is a diuretic which causes dehydration, and as dehydration is intensified after working out from sweat, alcohol can further dehydrate you.” One of the best ways to stay healthy and to relieve stress is exercise. Photo courtesy of Byrdie I try to fit in as much workout time as I can during my busy work week. Along with a good diet, exercising regularly can also help prevent the development of colorectal cancer. During health consultations, patients will often ask me about exercising and using pre-workout supplements. Pre-workout supplements have become increasingly more popular. These powders, capsules, liquids and other [...]

Dr. Lynn O’Connor in the News: Pre-Workout Supplements and Alcohol2021-04-20T20:17:15-04:00

Sway’s Universe: Warning Signs of Colon Cancer and Risks


"We’ve got to educate ourselves, educate our families, educate our community, and sometimes you need to educate your doctor."    The death of Chadwick Boseman has left a lasting impact on the African American community. It's an unfortunate reminder that colon cancer, like so many other diseases, disproportionately affects African Americans. Even if you're Black Panther. Many people are still unfamiliar with the specifics of this disease: What causes it? Who is at risk? What signs should I be looking for? How can I stave off colon cancer? I returned to Sway's Universe on Sirius XM and spoke with Kelly [...]

Sway’s Universe: Warning Signs of Colon Cancer and Risks2020-09-24T17:03:15-04:00

Caring for a COVID-19 Patient


These are very scary and uncertain times. We have no idea of when the end of this is in sight. When will things get back to some semblance of normalcy? When will many of us get back to work? Will it be safe to even go back to work?  Will schools and day camps open back up? How will I feed and care for myself and my family? There are so many questions with little answers. It appears that we are in this for the long haul. Which means staying diligent in our effort to protect ourselves and our families, [...]

Caring for a COVID-19 Patient2020-07-24T15:08:58-04:00

Coping During COVID-19


“I hope you are doing well”    Nowadays, that seems like a loaded question.    I hope that everyone is doing as well as they can be in the face of this international pandemic.  We have over 120,00 cases of coronavirus in New York State, and collectively in the United States we have more cases than any other country.  Many of us have been furloughed, laid off, fired and released from our places of duty without knowing if these businesses will ever re-open. And many of us on the front lines are going to work each and every day, despite [...]

Coping During COVID-192020-07-24T15:05:26-04:00

CFN Live: Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and Staying Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak


I’m passionate about educating and caring for my patients. The best way to prevent any type of disease is to arm oneself with information and to act early.  I recently appeared on The Catholic Network’s CFN Live with Colleen McVey. In my interview, I talked about how to take active measures when it comes to preventing colorectal cancer and preventing the spread of COVID-19.  Watch my interview with Colleen here starting at 4:48.   Since March is National Colorectal Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time to raise awareness and take action toward prevention. The good news about colorectal [...]

CFN Live: Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and Staying Safe During the Coronavirus Outbreak2020-03-19T15:07:16-04:00

Resisting the Holiday Binge


So many times I hear patients, families, and friends say, “I will start my diet after the holidays” or “I will eat better in January.” According to a study conducted by the University of Scranton, 80% of people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions. There is no reason to wait! If you keep your weight loss and healthy goals in mind NOW rather than later, you will be more apt to follow those goals and stick with them. If you have been exercising and eating healthy all year, don’t waste all that hard work during the last 6-8 weeks [...]

Resisting the Holiday Binge2019-11-27T16:56:28-05:00
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